May 9, 2008

>My Office / Mi oficina

I don't remember when i took this picture. It doesn't matter. I was up in the sky, the air, the Troposphere, somewhere around 35,000 feet high. My office. A place never the same, a place that never ceases to amaze me. I can never get enough of watching through the window. So beautiful, so infinite, so soothing, when its calm, and so powerful and dangerous when it isn't.
A place so far from life supporting conditions. At this altitude, there is oxygen and air pressure enough for just a minute or less of conscience; the temperature is around -45oC. The beauty and unhospitality of nature. Photography lets you dwell in these contradictions.
There is a high layer of altostratus clouds; in between the two layers we see two protuberances of cumulus, maybe cumulonimbus (storm clouds); the lower layer that covers the surface like a cotton field, are stratocumulus. (???) Cloud series. L R

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